Einladung zu André Weiß

von | 20.09.2006

Der Arbeitskreis Ruhr der Deutsch-Britischen Gesellschaft lädt seine Mitglieder und Freunde zu folgender Veranstaltung ein:

André Weiß

British Council Germany

‚Opportunities for Young People in the UK‘

Dienstag, 26. September 2006
19:30 Uhr

im Nikolaus Groß Abendgymnasium, Franziskanerstraße 67, Essen-Südostviertel

One more year and school will be finished. So many opportunities lie ahead, a world to explore.

England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales – the United Kingdom has always been popular with young people who want to spend some time after leaving school or even to pursue their further education. The question, however, is where to start. The British Council, the United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations in 110 countries worldwide, has a lot of information to offer: be it about voluntary work during a gap year or about what you need to know if you want to study at a British university.

André will give an insight into the variety of opportunities for young people in the UK.

André Weiß is the British Council’s Regional Co-ordinator in our area and is located at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf.

After initial studies at the University of Münster he graduated in 1998 from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne with a BA in English Literature, Art and Architectural History followed by an M.Arch at the University of Glasgow in 1999.

André joined the British Council in 2002 as Regional Learning Co-ordinator in Leipzig, where he stayed until taking over his current post in Düsseldorf in April 2006.

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Die Veranstaltung findet diesmal im Nikolaus Groß Abendgymnasium statt.