Der Arbeitskreis Ruhr der Deutsch-Britischen Gesellschaft lädt seine Mitglieder und Freunde zu folgender Veranstaltung ein:
Dr. Christopher Ray
The High Master of the Manchester Grammar School„The Manchester Grammar School and Germany: An Enduring Affection“
Montag, 28. November 2011, 19:30 Uhr
im Nikolaus Groß Abendgymnasium, Franziskanerstraße 67, Essen
As The Manchester Grammar School (MGS) looks towards its 500th anniversary in 2015, our School Archive has revealed some fascinating links with Germany and German culture.
The City of Manchester developed during the nineteenth century a close affinity with Germany, not least through shared industrial and commercial interests. This in turn had a significant impact upon the emerging educational strategies of MGS (as well as of the University of Manchester) in the nineteenth century: the School was one of the first in the UK to incorporate experimental science teaching within its curriculum, to teach the German language, and to begin overseas exchanges.
During the early part of the twentieth century, High Master J L Paton, himself educated at a German school, built upon these foundations, helping MGS to develop enduring links with schools in Germany and an affection for the literature, music and culture of the German people. Exchange visits continue to this day.
The lecture will not only focus on the great tradition of this school and its educational concept; it will also be discussing the impact of the Manchester Grammar School on the national and international stages.
The talk will be illustrated with a range of photographs drawn from the School Archive and from accounts of our current activities.
Dr Christopher Ray has been High Master of The Manchester Grammar School since 2004. He was previously Head Master of The John Lyon School in London and a Deputy Head of King’s College School in Wimbledon. He was educated at University College London, Churchill College Cambridge and Balliol College Oxford.
Before teaching Physics and Philosophy in schools Dr Ray taught Philosophy at universities in Oxford, Singapore and the USA. He was also for a time a Senior Science Editor for Oxford University Press. He is the author of two books and a number of articles on the Philosophies of Science and of Space and Time. He was Principal Examiner for Physics for the Oxford Examination Board and the Principal Scrutineer for Science for the UK Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. He has written and lectured extensively on educational issues and has been consulted by senior UK ministers and by the Prime Minister.
He is currently Chairman-elect of the Headmasters‘ and Headmistresses‘ Conference, which represents 250 leading independent schools in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.
Zu diesem Vortrag in englischer Sprache sind die Studierenden und Lehrenden der Schule sehr herzlich eingeladen.
Die Veranstaltung findet in der Schulaula des Abendgymnasiums statt.