Der Arbeitskreis Ruhr der Deutsch-Britischen Gesellschaft lädt seine Mitglieder und Freunde zu folgender Veranstaltung ein:
Reiner Heard: „Energy for the future – What are the options?“
Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011 um 19:00 Uhr
im RüKONTOR (5. Etage), Rüttenscheider Straße 144, Essen-RüttenscheidThe Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft Ruhr e.V. is a forum for dialogue between the Ruhr and the United Kingdom and, beyond that, Europe and the world. Our city of Essen is the home of global energy providers. The fair distribution and responsible use of energy is one of the key questions of the future, both at home and abroad.
So this lecture will focus on the important part that energy plays in our everyday lives, with gas or electricity bills occasionally causing some amazement. But is energy a scarce commodity, or are there sufficient energy supplies for the future?
The speaker will also analyse the types of energy available (fossil, nuclear, renewable) and their respective merits and drawbacks. Some of the technologies being developed to harness or use those energy sources will also be mentioned. The conclusion to be drawn from these various possibilities will become clear: at present there is no ideal or cheap solution for a country as a whole, be it Germany or the UK. Consequently, for the time being at least, an appropriate mix of energy sources has to be found.
Our speaker tonight, Reiner Heard, is a member of our Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft with long-standing experience both in translation and in the field of energy.
He was born in England and obtained a BA Hons. degree in European Studies from Bath University in 1976. After working briefly in Cologne he joined the translation department of the German Foreign Office in Bonn. His service there included a four-month stint at the German mission to the UN in New York. Since 1992 he has been in charge of the foreign language services at an energy company in Essen. He has also been president of a translators‘ association for many years and was elected chairman of the steering committee for the European section of the International Federation of Translators.
He has given talks and presentations in Germany, the UK, Switzerland and Italy on such subjects as Do we need Denglish?, The Changing English Language, A Code of Professional Practice for Translators, Pitfalls in Translation and Energy Terminology.
Zu diesem Vortrag in englischer Sprache sind die Studierenden und Lehrenden der Schule sehr herzlich eingeladen.
Unser Vortragsraum befindet sich in der 5. Etage des RüKONTOR (Aufzug vorhanden), Rüttenscheider Str. 144/Eingang Gregorstraße, gegenüber dem Giradet-Haus. Parkmöglichkeiten auf den anliegenden Strassen, auf den Parkplätzen des Giradethauses und am Ende der Gregorstraße vorhanden. U-Bahn Verbindung von Essen-Hbf: Linien U11, 101 und 107, Station Martinstraße (3 Minuten Fußweg). Busse von der Haltestelle Giradet Haus (Linie 142) und von der Haltestelle Martinstraße (Linien 142, 160 und 161).